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Our Building Services - MEP Services design ensure broad spectrum of the requirements of engineering systems while our Design Basis has reference to National and International Codes. 

Proion Team has been part of large number of LEED Projects with close working for LEED NC, LEED Homes and LEED C&S Projects.

Well versed with ASHRAE Standards in LEED Design and also with the Credit Rating System, Proion ensures that the MEP design are energy and water efficient and have built-in approach to achieve LEED requirements.

With the combination of Global Experience and Regional Know how, Proion is able to deliver the best design options to our Clients suitable to their requirements and sustainable in the long run.

Proion ensures that the MEP design are energy and water efficient and have built-in approach to achieve LEED requirements.

Key Highlights in Present Assignment

- Tallest  building in National Capital Region +300 meters (under design partially executed)

- 24 MW of power Distribution in one project

- 10,000 TR Air conditioning through centralized chilled water and VRF system.

- 1800 KLD of water distribution and sewage treatment in One project

- Achieved +500 sq.ft/TR Air Conditioning for Business Occupancy.

- Benchmarking EPI 80 kWh/sq.Meter/Year.

- Our delivered + 30 Building

- Planned HT Generator (11kV) with stand by Transformer complete with 11kV RMU

All above in compliance to NBC,MoEF, LEED,

AHJ requirements.

How We Work

Revit & Sketch-up

Proion plans Revit and Sketchup Models for MEP Coordination of Critical and typical Areas in the Project. In some cases, we do develop the Architectural and Structural Models at our end and develop LOD 300 detail of Revit or Sketchup Model as suited on the Project.


Design and Document Control – SOPs at Proion: 

Proion is well established Engineering Design and Document Control Standard Operating Procedures which are updated and revised based on the collaborative leaning of our team. Engineers and Designers are given orientation at employment to align to the SOPs and we aspire to bring standardization in our delivery and documents towards preparation and tracking.


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